Sunday, March 17, 2013

Foam Painting

Alright everyone... so I know I have been a slacker in posting... so here goes. I have been doing a few new crafts, and I want you to check 'em out. So here is something that I have started for a friend. I am not sure if I like it quite yet, so I am working on maybe changing it a little bit, but here goes. I might redo it as I discovered things as I went along...

I have a verse this year that I picked that really means a lot to me, something that I want to symbolize and represent me and how I have grown throughout the year. That verse is Jeremiah 17:7-8. It says,

"Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD,
whose trust is the LORD. 
He is like a tree planted by water,
that sends out its roots by the stream,
and does not fear when heat comes,
and is not anxious in the year of drought,
for it does not cease to bear fruit."

I chose this verse, and then I started noticing on Pinterest the amount of crafts that contain trees on them... so I decided to give them as gifts for Christmas to my family as I made them. Anyways, this I didn't see on Pinterest, but I saw tips on how to do it, so I decided to give it a try... and kinda failed.

Here is what I did. I saw a pin on how you can write with foam paint on wax paper, and later mod podge it onto canvas. I figured, why not do this with the verses! Unfortunately the only foam paint I have is fabric foam paint. I thought it was the same thing for some reason, and went for it. I printed it off, wrote it out on wax paper, and once it was dry realized my mistake. It doesn't harden stiff like regular foam paint as it is made to mold with a shirt/fabric. Therefore it doesn't come off the wax paper. 

I then had to change what I was doing. I threw out the foam paint on wax paper... and started fresh. I took the verse and taped it to the back of the canvas (after I had watered down a yellow and brownish paint and covered the background), and traced the words with a pencil. I then took the paint and wrote the words directly onto the canvas. Unfortunately, when I wrote with the pencil, my hand got tired, and I was not very careful with how clear or precise my lines were. 

When the paint had dried, I realized my problem. Some of the pencil lines were visible, and if I erased to vigorously, it would break the paint off. I got most of the pencil off, and I don't think it looks too bad. 

For the second part of this gift I painted a tree and did swirly colors (like my last craft, which you can find here) as the leaves. I then took buttons and glued them down onto the canvas to give it a 3D effect. I am not quite sure I like the colors that much, but here is the finished product. Hopefully you like it, but I will definitely have to use REAL foam paint if I am going to attempt this again!

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